Official web site


Haendelova 4, Prečko

+385 1 6430 555

Radio Kaj


106.3 Mhz


Radio Kaj za kajkavski kraj, moto je pod kojim svaki dan tijekom godine, 24 sata dnevno, emitiramo program namijenjen i prilagođen interesima, željama i potrebama slušatelja kajkavskog govornog područja.

Zagreb, Croatia’s northwestern capital, is distinguished by its 18th- and 19th-century Austro-Hungarian architecture. At its center, Upper Town is the site of the Gothic, twin-spired Zagreb Cathedral and 13th-century St. Mark’s Church, with a colorfully tiled roof. Nearby is pedestrian-friendly Tkalčićeva Street, lined with outdoor cafes. Lower Town has the main square, Ban Jelačić, plus shops, museums and parks.

Croatia, officially the Republic of Croatia is a country at the crossroads of Central and Southeast Europe, on the Adriatic Sea. Its capital Zagreb forms one of the country's primary subdivisions, along with twenty counties.
